The arrangements need to be thoroughly tested for form, flexibility, and quality.

In collaboration with cultural schools and schools, we are testing the arrangements.
Each test project consists of 2-3 arrangements covering different genres. The test project should include ensembles of different sizes and styles of dance.


The Arrangements

How is the structure of the arrangement, with a focus on the quality of Dance Impro, Instrument Impro, and the Theme section (varies for each arrangement).



How is it for the pupils to have extra support from video resources? How did the pupils experience the project?



How is it for teachers and school administration to work with customized arrangements? Not everyone is accustomed to teaching improvisation - how did this go in your cultural school?


Suggestions for improvements?

We are constantly striving to improve, and we welcome constructive feedback if there is anything that can be improved.


Socialization and Inclusion

Did the project promote increased socialization and inclusion among pupils, between pupils and teachers, and among teachers?

 Vi har hatt flere prøveprosjekter bla bla bla Jack Sparrow Spiderman og Dance of the sugar Plum fairy Waka Waka 

Jo Eskild
Kulturskoleleder BLINK Kulturskole

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Michael Kross
Senior Interior Designer

 This is one of the testimonials you can use for adding customer feedback / satisfaction on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything your customer has had to say about you or your company or services. Edit your Testimonials from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button. 

Amy Warmouth
Visualiser of Interiors